
”Articles: 1960 – 1969

“The Significance of Claptrap in American History”, Studies on the Left (Winter 1963).

“Monopoly Capital”, Studies on the Left (September 1966). Also reprinted in F. Botta, Sal capitale monopolistico (Bari, 1971).

“In the Absence of Free Banks, What?”‘ Bulletin of the Canadian Association of American Studies (Winter 1967).

“The Jacksonians: Paradox Lost?”, in Barton Bernstein, ed., Towards A New Past: Dissenting Essays in American History (New York: Random House,1968); with French, Spanish, Japanese, etc. editions. Also in in Irwin Unger, ed., Beyond Liberalism: The New Left Views American History (New York: Xerox, 1971).

“Review of Merrill Denison, Canada’s First Bank: A History of the Bank of Montreal”, Journal of Economic History (December 1968).

“Review of Jean Wilburn, Biddle’s Bank: The Critical Years”, Economic History Review (May 1969).

Articles: 1970 – 1979

“The Increasing Cost of Circulation and the Marxian Competitive Model”, Science & Society, Vol. XXXVI, No. 3 (Fall 1972).

“The Current Crisis of Economic Theory”, Science and Society, Vol.XXXVII, No.4 (Winter 1973-4).

“Marx’s Falling Rate of Profit: A Dialectical View”, Canadian Journal of Economics (May 1976). Also in Lebowitz, Michael A, Following Marx: Method, Critique and Crisis (Chicago: Haymarket Press, 2009).

“Political Economy of Housework: A Comment”,  Bulletin of the Conference of Socialist Economists (London, July 1976).

“Capital and the Production of Needs”, Science & Society, Vol. XLI, No. 4 (Winter 1977-8).

“Marx’s Falling Rate of Profit: A Dialectical View”, Socialist Review (March 1978). Reprinted from Canadian Journal of Economics (May 1976) with Postscript and without mathematical appendix. Also in Lebowitz, Michael A, Following Marx: Method, Critique and Crisis (Chicago: Haymarket Press, 2009). 

“A Marxian ‘Factor-Price Frontier’”, Simon Fraser University Department of Economics Discussion Papers, 78-6-3.

“The Capitalist Structure of Needs, Developing Countries and Socialism, Socialism in the World, Vol.13 (Belgrade, 1979).

“Heller on Marx’s Concept of Needs”, Science & Society, Vol. LXIII, No.3 (Fall 1979).

Articles: 1980 – 1989

“Marx after Wage-Labour”, Economic Forum (Fall 1982).

“The One-Sidedness of Capital”, Review of Radical Political Economics (Winter 1982).

“The General and the Specific in Marx’s Theory of Crisis”, Studies in Political Economy, No.7 (Winter 1982). Also in Lebowitz, Michael A, Following Marx: Method, Critique and Crisis (Chicago: Haymarket Press, 2009).

“Kapitalens ensidighed”, Tidsskriftet Kurasje (Copenhagen, March 1985). Translation of “The One-Sidedness of Capital”, Review of Radical Political Economics (Winter 1982).

“One-Sided Marxism”, Socialism in the World, No. 36 (Belgrade,1983).

“Considering the Crisis at Cavtat”, Canadian Dimension (September 1983).

“Review of John E. Roemer, A General Theory of Exploitation and Class (Harvard, 1982)”,  Canadian Journal of Economics (May 1984).

“The Theoretical Status of Monopoly Capital”, in Stephen Resnick and Richard Wolff, Rethinking Marxism: Essays for Harry Magdoff and Paul Sweezy (New York: Autonomedia,1985). Also in  Lebowitz, Michael A, Following Marx: Method, Critique and Crisis (Chicago: Haymarket Press, 2009).

“Kornai and Socialist Laws of Motion”, Studies in Political Economy, No.18 (September 1985).

Review Essay: David Harvey, The Limits to Capital (Chicago,1982) in Economic Development and Cultural Change (January 1986).

“Capital Reinterpreted”, Monthly Review, Vol.38, No.2 (June 1986).

“Too Many Blindspots About the Media, Studies in Political Economy , No.21 (Autumn 1986).

“Transcending the Crisis of Socialism”, Socialism in the World, No.54 (Belgrade, 1986). Also Lebowitz.Michael A, The Socialist Imperative: From Gotha to Now (New York: Monthly Review Books, 2015).

“Only Capitalist Laws of Motion?”, in Monthly Review, Vol.38, No.6 (November 1986).

“Die Krise der sozialistischen Wirtschaft šberwinden”, Das Argument 160 (West Berlin, November/December 1986).

“Beyond Rightwing Economics: From Absurdity to Rationality”, in Warren Magnusson et al, After Bennett (Vancouver: New Star Books, 1986).

“Politicka ekonomija najamnog rada”, Kumrovecki Zapisi 7 (Kumrovec, Yugoslavia 1986).

“A Rejoinder”, Monthly Review, Vol.39, No.1 (May 1987).

“Contradictions in the ‘Lower Phase’ of Communist Society”, Socialism in the World, No.59 (Belgrade, 1987).

“The Political Economy of Wage-Labor”, Science & Society, Vol. 51, No.3 (Fall 1987).

“Social Justice Against Capitalism”, Monthly Review, Vol.40, No.1 (May 1988).

“Is ‘Analytical Marxism’ Marxism?” Science & Society, Vol. 52, No. 2 (Summer 1988). Also in Lebowitz, Michael A, Following Marx: Method, Critique and Crisis (Chicago: Haymarket Press, 2009). 

“Trade and Class: Labour Strategies in a World of Strong Capital”, Studies in Political Economy, #27 (Autumn 1988).

Articles: 1990 – 1999

“Paul M. Sweezy” in Maxine Berg, ed., Political Economy in the Twentieth Century (Oxford: Philip Allan, 1990).

“Es marxismo el marxismo analitico?” El Trimestre Economico, Vol. LVII (1), No. 225 (March 1990).

“Trade and Class Revisited”, Studies in Political Economy, No. 33 (Autumn 1990).

“Capital and the Production of Needs”, in J.E. King, ed., Marxian Economics, Vol. III (London: Edward Elgar Publishing, Ltd., 1990), reprinted from Science & Society (Winter 1977-8).

“Drugacno Gledanje Na Kapitalizem” (“A Different View of Capitalism”) in Bogomil Ferfila, K Novemu Ekonomskemu Sistemu Jugoslvanske Druzbe (To A New Economic System of Yugoslav Society). (Ljubljana, 1990).

“The Significance of Marx’s Missing Book on Wage-Labor”, Rethinking Marxism (Summer 1991).

“The Socialist Fetter: A Cautionary Tale, in Ralph Miliband and Leo Panitch, eds., Socialist Register 1991 (London: Merlin, 1991).

“Review of Michael Perelman, Marx’s Crises Theory: Scarcity, Labor, Finance (Praeger, 1987)”, Review of Social Economy (Spring 1992).

“Capitalism: How Many Contradictions?”, Capitalism, Nature, Socialism, Vol. 3, No. 3 (September 1992).

“Quante sono le Contraddizioni del Capitalismo?” Capitalismo, Natura, Socialismo, No. 6 (December 1992).

“The ‘Book on Wage-Labor’ and Marxist Scholarship”, Science & Society, Vol. 57, No. 1 (Spring 1993).

“Analytical Marxism and the Marxian Theory of Crisis”, Cambridge Journal of Economics (May 1994). Also in  Lebowitz, Michael A, Following Marx: Method, Critique and Crisis (Chicago: Haymarket Press, 2009).

“Situating the Capitalist State” in Antonio Callari et al, Marxism in the Post-Modern Age: Confronting the New World Order (New York: Guilford Publishers, 1995). Also in  Lebowitz, Michael A, Following Marx: Method, Critique and Crisis (Chicago: Haymarket Press, 2009).

“The Silences of Capital”, Socialist Studies Bulletin, No. 42 (December 1995). Also in  Lebowitz, Michael A, Following Marx: Method, Critique and Crisis (Chicago: Haymarket Press, 2009).

“The One-Sidedness of Wage Labor” in Kai Nielsen and Robert Ware, Exploitation (Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press, 1996).

“Capitalism: How Many Contradictions?” in Ted Benton, The Greening of Historical Materialism: Essays on Socialism and Ecology (New York: Guilford Publishers, 1996).

“The Silences of Capital”, Historical Materialism (Vol. I, No.1, September 1997).

“El capitalismo: cuantes contradicciones?” in Marx Ahora: Revista International (Havana, 1997, No. 3).

“Is ‘Analytical Marxism’ Marxism? (in Italian, with special appendix, “Roemer’s Market Socialism Postscript”) in Studi Perugini, Vol. 5 (1998).

“Review of Felton Shortall, The Incomplete Marx (Aldershot: Avebury, 1994)”, Historical Materialism, No. 3 (Winter 1998).

“In Brenner, Everything is Reversed”, Historical Materialism, No. 4 (Summer 1999).  Also in Lebowitz, Michael A, Following Marx: Method, Critique and Crisis (Chicago: Haymarket Press, 2009).

Articles: 2000 – 2009

“Kornai and the Vanguard Mode of Production”, Cambridge Journal of Economics, Vol. 24, No. 3 (May, 2000).

“Answering Shortall”,  Historical Materialism, No. 6 (Summer 2000).

“Reclaiming a Socialist Vision”, Monthly Review (June 2001). Also in Lebowitz, Michael A, Build it Now: Socialism for the Twenty-first Century  (New York: Monthly Review Press, 2006).

“La acumulacion originaria de relaciones comunistas”, Marx Ahora: Revista Internacional (Havana, No. 11, 2001).

“Review of Bertell Ollman, ed., Market Socialism: The Debate Among Socialists (New York and London: Routledge, 1998)”, Critical Sociology (2002).

“Karl Marx: the Needs of Capital vs. the Needs of Human Beings”, in Douglas Dowd, Understanding Capitalism: Critical Analysis from Karl Marx to Amartya Sen (London: Pluto Press, July 2002). Also in Lebowitz, Michael A, Build it Now: Socialism for the Twenty-first Century  (New York: Monthly Review Press, 2006).  

“Transcending Capitalism: The Adequacy of Marx’s Recipe” in Alfredo Saad-Filho, Anti-Capitalism: A Marxist Introduction (London: Pluto Press, December 2002).

“Los silencios de El Capital”, in Marx Ahora: Revista Internacional (Havana, No. 14, 2002).

“Behind the Cuban Crackdown: the Danger of Becoming the Next Iraq”, in Canadian Dimension , Vol. 37, No.4 (July/August 2003).

“Report on Venezuelan Labour: The Process Continues”, Venezuela Analysis, Sept 12, 2003.

“Market Socialism, Capitalism and Communism”, Shanghai School Journal of Economics ,Vol. 1, No. 1 (September 2003).

“El pueblo y la propriedad en la construccion del comunismo”, Marx Ahora: Revista Internacional (Havana, No. 16, 2

“Ideology and Economic Development”, Monthly Review, Vol. 56, No. 1 (May 2004). Also in  Lebowitz, Michael A, Build it Now: Socialism for the Twenty-first Century  (New York: Monthly Review Press, 2006).

“What Keeps Capitalism Going”, Monthly Review, Vol. 56, No. 2 (June 2004).

“Really Returning to Marx’s Capital: A Reply to Robert Albritton”, History of Economic Ideas (XII, 2, 2004). Also available as “Beyond the Capital of Uno-ism” in Lebowitz, Michael A, Following Marx: Method, Critique and Crisis (Chicago: Haymarket Press, 2009) 

“Referendum and Revolution in Venezuela” (Interview), Monthly Review, Vol. 56, No. 4 (September 2004).

“Paul M. Sweezy”, Monthly Review, Vol. 56, No. 5 (October 2004).

“Learning from Paul M. Sweezy”, Studies in Political Economy, No. 74 (Fall 2004).  

“Paul M. Sweezy’den öğrenmek”, iktisat dergisis. AYLIK DERGI, Sayi: 451 (Temmuz 2004).

“Socialismo de Mercado, capitalismo y comunismo”, Revista Herramienta, No.27 Ano IX (Buenos Aires, October 2004).

“Dall’ideologia economica all’alternativa politica”, Inchiesta, Vol. XXXV, Nr. 147, gennaio-marzo 2005 (Edizioni Dedalo: Bari).

“A los camaradas del Movimiento Sin Tierra: Ustedes están cultivando las semillas apropiadas”, Revista Herramienta, No. 28 (Marzo de 2005).

“Beyond the Muck of Ages”, in Werner Bonefeld and Kosmas Psychopedis (eds.), Human Dignity: Social Autonomy and the Critique of Capitalism  (UK: Ashgate Publishing, 2005).

“The Knowledge of a Better World”, Monthly Review (July-August 2005). Also in Lebowitz, Michael, Build it Now, Socialism for the Twenty-First Century, New York: Monthly Review Press, 2006.

“Que es el Socialismo?” in Cuadernos para EMANCIPACION, Numero 28, Octobre 2005 (Caracas).

“Holloway’s Scream”,  Historical Materialism, 13:4 (2005).

“Completing Marx’s Project: An Interview with Michael A. Lebowitz”, MR Online, Jan 25, 2006.

‘”‘Algunas preguntas y respuestas acerca de la cogestion,’”’in Desde Dentro: revista de economia popular, Ano 2-No.2 (January-February 2006). Published by Ministerio para la Economia Popular (Caracas, Venezuela).

“Building Upon Defects: Theses on the Misinterpretation of Marx’s Gotha Critique”, Science & Society (October 2007). A similar presentation, “Building Upon Defects: Theses on the Misinterpretation of Marx’s Gotha Critique”, was given at the 3rd International Conference on ‘Karl Marx and the Challenges of the 21st Century’ in Havana, 3-6 May 2006.

“The Knowledge of a Better World”, in West Coast Line 48 (June 2006), Vancouver, B.C. Also in Build it Now, Socialism for the Twenty-First Century, New York: Monthly Review Press, 2006.

“Paul M. Sweezy”, Forward for Paul M. Sweezy, Teoría del desarrollo capitalista. Barcelona: Editorial Hacer, 2006.

“The Politics of Assumption, the Assumption of Politics”, Historical Materialism, 14:2 (2006). Also in Lebowitz, Michael A, Following Marx: Method, Critique and Crisis (Chicago: Haymarket Press, 2009).

“A tetelezes politikaja, a politika tetelezese”, Eszmelet (Budapest, 2006)

“The Politics of Beyond Capital”, Historical Materialism, 14:4 (2006).

“Siguiendo a Hegel: la ciencia de Marx”, Marx Ahora, No. 21 (Cuba, 2006).

“Challenges for Venezuela’s Revolution, Interview by Coral Wynter and Jim McIlroy”, Green Left Weekly issue # 609, 15 November 2006.

“’Build It Now’, An Interview with Michael A. Lebowitz”, Radical Notes, 28 February 2007. Also available at Countercurrents.

“Más allá de la supervivencia: la economía social como alternativa real”, Revista Herramienta, No. 34 (Argentina, March, 2007).

“New Wings for Socialism”, Monthly Review (April 2007).

“Human Development and Practice”, MRZine (April 2007).  

“Marxism for the 21st Century: A Revolutionary Tool or More Scholasticism?” Junge Welt (Berlin: April, 2007).

“Venezuela: A Good Example of the Bad Left of Latin America”, Monthly Review (July-August 2007).

“El Grito de Holloway: todo ruido y furia”, Marx Ahora, No. 23 (Cuba, 2007).

“The Capitalist Workday, the Socialist Workday”, MRZine (April 2008).

“The Spectre of Socialism for the 21st Century”, Links, July 2008.

“Gestión obrera, desarrollo humano y socialismo”, Revista Temas (Cuba, April-June 2008).

“The Only Road is Practice: After The Venezuelan Referendum Defeat”, Monthly Review (June 2008).

“Building Twenty-First Century Socialism”, Canadian Dimension, Sep/Oct 2008; 42, 5.

“An Alternative Worth Fighting For”,  Monthly Review (October, 2008).

“Reach For The Book: It Is A Weapon”,  Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal,  (November 2008).   

“The Path to Human Development: Capitalism or Socialism?”, Monthly Review (Special Supplement, February 2009: 41-63).  

“La responsabilidad de las y los intelectuales revolucionarios en las construccion del socialismo”, Comuna: pensamiento critico en la revolucion, No. 0 (Venezuela, Julio 2009). Available in English at The Bullet, March 21, 2021.

“Control obero, consejo de fabrica y economia social” en Bolivar: Venezuela esta en el centro de la revolucion mundial”, Comuna: pensamiento critico en la revolucion, No. 1 (Venezuela, Octobre 2009).

“Michael Lebowitz: It’s necessary to arm the people and develop militias from below, Interview by José Sant Roz”,, Nov 5, 2009.

“Exploitation and Exclusion: The International Struggle” in Chin Banerjee, A Life in Struggle: A Tribute to Hari Sharma (Daanish Books: Delhi, 2009).  

Articles: 2010 – 2019

“Democracia y dictadura en el centro de tabajo”, Comuna: pensamiento critico en la revolucion, No. 2 (Venezuela, Enero 2010).

“Exploring the Dialectic of the Bolivarian Revolution”, Monthly Review (February 2010).

“Socialism: The Goal, the Paths and the Compass”, Socialist Project, The Bullet, February 2010.

“The 4 Rs” of  Global Capitalism”. Correa Del Orinoco, February 19, 2010 Issue, Caracas, Venezuela.Also available at  Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal.

“Trapped Inside the Box? Five Questions for Ben Fine”, Historical Materialism, 18.1 (March 2010).  

“We Must Choose Socialism over Capitalist Barbarism”, Interview in May 2010 by Srecko Horvat at the Subversive Film Festival in Zagreb, Croatia in Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal, 6 June 2010.

“Exploitation and Exclusion: The International Struggle, in MRZine, 29 June 2010.

“Change the System, Not its Barriers”, in Socialism & Democracy. Volume 24 Issue 3, 46 (November 2010).

“Bringing a Struggling Ideology to its Knees”, Canadian Dimension, Vol. 45, No. 2 (May-June 2011.

“Reinventing Socialism and Recovering Marx”, in Henry Veltmeyer (ed.), 21st Century Socialism: Reinventing the Project (Halifax: Fernwood Books, 2011). See similar presentation, “Reinventing Socialism and Recovering Marx”, presented at the Subversive Film Festival, conference on socialism, 3-7 May 2010. Video of this presentation may be accessed here.

“Socialism for the twenty-first century and the need for socialist globalization” in International Critical Thought, Vol. 1, No. 3, September 2011, 249–256.  

“Construyendo el socialismo para el siglo xxi: la logica del Estado”, Marx Ahora, No. 31 (2011).

“The Unifying Element in All Struggles Against Capital is the Right of Everyone to Full Human Development”,  Monthly Review, Vol. 63, No. 6 (November 2011).

“Venezuela: Michael Lebowitz on what we can expect from Chavez’s fourth term”, Links, 1 November 2012 (originally published in Novosti, Zagreb).

“What Makes the Working Class a Revolutionary Subject”, Monthly Review, Vol. 64, No. 7 (December 2012).

“The State and the Future of Socialism”, Socialist Register 2013.

Rebekah Wetmore and Ryan Romard, ‘Capitalism, Crises, and a Socialist Alternative: In Conversation With Michael A. Lebowitz”‘, MRZine, January 17, 2013. Also as ‘The Crisis and the Myth of Canadian Exceptionalism: An Interview with Michael Lebowitz’ in the Socialist Project, The Bullet, No. 760 (17 January 2013).

‘Working-Class Response to Devaluation Measures in Venezuela”, The Bullet , Socialist Project • E-Bulletin No. 773 • February 15, 2013.  

“8 Theses about Marx and Socialism” in Justin Paulson et al, Capitalism and Confrontation (Ottawa: Red Quill Books, 2013).

“Zhou Mingliang, ‘The Relevance of Marxism Today: An Interview With Michael A. Lebowitz’”, MRZine, 21 March 2013.

“Socialism for the 21st century. An interview with Michael A. Lebowitz by Darko Vesić and Aleksandar Stojanović”, LeftEast, May 7, 2013. Also  and

“Contested Reproduction and the Contradictions of Socialism”, The Bullet, Sept 12, 2013. (From a talk given to the Centre for Political Emancipation in Belgrade, Serbia on 6 May 2013, viewable on YouTube.) Text also available in The Socialist Imperative: From Gotha to Now, Monthly Review Press, New York, 2015.

“Understanding the Critique of the Gotha Programme”, in Alisan Gunseli (ed.) Marxist Classics: Reader’s Guide (Istanbul: Yordam Kitap, 2013). Also in Lebowitz, Michale A, The Socialist Imperative: From Gotha to Now (New York: Monthly Review Books, 2015). 

“The Concept of ‘Fairness’: Possibilities, Limits, Possibilities.” Studies in Political Economy, 2013). Also in Lebowitz, Michael A, The Socialist Imperative: From Gotha to Now (New York: Monthly Review Books, 2015).

“Prvotna akumulacija proti spodbijani reprodukcija” (‘Primitive Accumulation vs. Contested Reproduction’) in Branko Bembic, et al, Prvotna Akumulacija me Zgodovino in Konceptom (Ljubljana: Institut za delavske studujie, 2013).

“El Desarrollo Humana y Practice”, Marx Ahora #36 (Havana, 2013).

“New Wings for Socialism” in Chandra Dutt and V.K. Sharafudheen, Transitional Transformation: Some Examples and Experiences (Kerala Thrissur: EMS Smrithi, 2013).

“Scarcity and the Realm of Freedom” in Shannon Brincat, (ed.), Communism in the 21st Century, Vol. I The Father of Communism: Rediscovering Marx’s Ideas. (Praeger, 2014).

“İşçi Sınıfını Devrimci Özne Yapan Nedir?” (‘What Makes the Working Class a Revolutionary Subject?’ Monthly Review Bağımsız Sosyalist Dergi Sayı: January 2014.

“Proposing a path to socialism: two Papers for Hugo Chavez”, Monthly Review (March 2014).

“Cuba Needs to Unleash Creative Energy of Workers”, Interview of Michael A. Lebowitz by Victor Morin Aguado, Havana Times, March 28, 2014. Also available at Socialist Project.

“On Capital, Real Socialism, and Venezuela: An Interview with Michael A. Lebowitz by Bora Erdağı and Gulden Ozdan” .  

“If you’re so smart, why aren’t you rich?” Monthly Review (April 2015).

“Build it ‘From the Outset”: An Infantile Disorder?” Science & Society, Vol. 79 (3), (July 2015).   

“Social Democracy or Revolutionary Democracy: Syriza and Us”, Socialist Project, The Bullet, 1149 (August 2, 2015).

“The tragedy of the commons, the Pope, and the system”, Georgia Straight, Nov 23, 2015.

“Red is the Primary Color of the Rainbow”, MRZine, November 26, 2015

“The Tragedies of the Global Commons and the Global Working Class: Reflections on the Papal Encyclical”, Links, January 2016

“Building alternatives to neoliberalism in Latin America today: An interview with Michael Lebowitz”, Links, May 24, 2016

“What is Socialism for the 21st Century?” Monthly Review (October 2016).

“If You Don’t Understand the Second Product in Capital, You Understand Nothing”, (Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Greece, January 2017),

“If You Don’t Understand the Second Product, You Understand Nothing about Capital”,

“Interview” in Saeed Rahnema (ed), The Transition from Capitalism: Marxist Perspectives (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017).

“Hats and Men: Marx’s Faulty Symmetry”, Socialist Project, The Bullet, No 410 (May 8, 2017)

“Protagonism and Productivity”, Monthly Review (November 2017).

“Not a Spoiler Alert: Preface to the Serbian edition of Beyond Capital: Marx’s Political Economy of the Working Class” (Belgrade, Centar Za Politike  Emancipacije, 2018).

If You Don’t Understand the Second Product, You Understand Nothing about Capital” in John Milios, (ed.) 150 Years. Karl Marx’s “Capital”. Reflections for the 21st Century, Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung (September 2018).

Articles: 2020 – present

“Popular Protagonism in Venezuela’s Transition to Socialism: A Conversation with Michael Lebowitz”, Venezuela Analysis, July 11, 2020, Venezuela Analysis, July 11, 2020.

“New Wings for Socialism”, Janata Weekly, Sept 20, 2020.

“Know your enemy: How to defeat capitalism”, Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal, June 10, 2021, Also available in .pdf form at Books for Study and Education, Socialist Alliance, June, 2021,and at Socialist Project.

“The Double Deformation: Capital vs. Nature and Humanity”, Climate and Capitalism, June 17, 2021.

“Slave or Protagonist? The Worker in Capital“, The Bullet, Sept 16, 2021. Also in Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal, Sept 21, 2021.

“The Struggle between the Future and the Past: Where Is Cuba Going?”.  View text here, or view online at Monthly Review Essays, July 3, 2022 or Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal.

“Capitalism and Community: The Tragedy of Atomism”, Socialist Project The Bullet,  January 29, 2003.

“Primitive Socialist Accumulation’: Then and Now”, Socialism and Democracy, March 23, 2023.

“What Every Child Should Know About Marx’s Theory of Value”, Monthly Review, Vol.75, No. 4 (Sept 2023)